The Agricultural Sciences University and veterinary medicine of Bucharest in partnership with the foreign affairs organizes the 5th European Horticulture Congress from 12th to 16th May, 2024.
The 5th European Horticulture Congress is a major event addressing issues facing horticulture in the current turbulent times. “European Horticulture at the Crossroads” is not only a title, but is a reflection of current realities. Climate change, energy crises, war, market fluidity, competition, labour force scarcity, new pests and diseases, pollution etc. are only a few of the current challenges that we need to face and find solutions for. Sustainability, resilience, biodiversity, agroecology, circularity, green cities, genetic resistance, robotics and mechanization, production efficiency, are buzz words that define the wide spectrum of fields in which we all work.
The International Society of Horticultural Science provides a framework for putting our knowledge, resources and energy together through its partnership on this Congress.